Our Work
In The Community
Kintyre Estates

Adventure Horizons Africa also works on several empowerment projects in Kintyre Estates,36 kilometres from Harare. Kintyre Estates is a former dairy farm that used to employ over 10 000 people. In recent years the production and development in the area has since declined drastically. We became aware that life for former workers and community members who were unemployed and living in harsh and unsanitary conditions during one of our tours to Lake Chivero in 2018. We found it overwhelming to see several lavish properties in the vicinity and yet it seems the people of Kintyre Estates are forgotten.
We have started and are working on a workable, scaleable, sustainable activities for community members. We are focusing on helping children who attend Kintyre Primary School, youth, women and girls. We focus on the following groups in society:
There are about 530 students attending Kintyre Primary School. There is no running water at the school and the school blocks are not enough for the students. All our pupils are from the lowest income bracket. They operate a kindergarten (ages 4- 5) and a primary school (ages 6-12) .Some of the children never had a chance to get a birth certificate or health check-ups .We realise health care, nutrition and basic education are basic requirements for the development of a generation capable of change and growth.
98% of the youth in this community are unemployed yet there is so much talent and room to develop skills. Talent enhancement and skill development is needed make this generation a self-reliant one. The future needs independent, strong and creative individuals who will invent the tools and the Zimbabwe -made solutions to the challenges this country is facing.
Women and girls.
Education and development of current mothers and future mothers is key to change. Time and energy lost in water fetching, poor health and the combination of single crop farming and climate change are among the obstacles on the way to unlock the potential of the women that are going to raise the next generation. Many girls in this community get married very early and do not have any possibility to develop themselves.
Our efforts do not come without several challenges for ourselves but we still try our best and realising the impact of our small efforts in the community we are motivated to do more.

Adventure Horizons Africa works hand in hand with SALT (Special Active Law-abiding Talented Youth Forum), a private voluntary organization that was founded in 2019. It is based in Sally Mugabe and expanding to neighboring marginalized communities. The Youth came together to start empower themselves and other community members.
The aim is to create a socially and economically responsible youths through some of the
following means and objectives:
● Creating role models amongst the youths
● Creating employment through various creative projects and human capital intensive projects
● Providing and sharing links to academic opportunities.
● Minimizing use of drugs
● Minimizing child prostitution
● Providing counselling and mentoring to others.
● Supporting other community members
● Advocating against abuse of girls and women in the work environment
● Helping and participating in community projects for example painting schools, patching roads and clean up campaigns
● Joining and teaching community members about environmental issues for example tree planting, reducing use of plastic and bio degradable matter.
Child Future Africa

Since 2005, the Child Future Africa offers a home, an education and a future to impoverished orphans and vulnerable children in the Mt Darwin district in the north of Zimbabwe. Our children attend primary education at Rukururwi Primary, a school close by, and higher education at Madziwa Secondary School, about 7 km from the children’s home. Both primary and secondary school struggle to deliver a sufficient quality of education. There is a lack of books, materials, methods and classroom blocks. Child Future Africa provides its children with the basics for living an independent life though sometimes it’s not enough.